With the cancellation of the CDA Reunion came many disappointments, but fear not! CDA has been working behind the scenes to assure that one of our long-standing Reunion traditions, the Person of the Year presentation, will continue uninterrupted.
We continue the time-honored tradition of announcing Camp’s highest award to our broad community. The 2021 Person of the Year goes to … The Updike brothers, #7582 Stu and #8276 Charlie, for their faithful service and leading lives that exemplify our motto, “The Other Fellow First.”
While we miss the long and thunderous ovation through Witherbee Hall, we celebrate the fantastic contributions of both men to Camp and to their professions. Watch the video above to see and hear the heartfelt remarks by CDA President, #19231 Kari McKinley and Board Chair, #22898 Whitney Phelps.
Thank you, Stu and Charlie, for the example you have set for all of us. You are living proof of how important this tradition and our motto have become to the Camp community.
The Updike Family
#8276 Charlie Updike & #19876 Beth Kaufman
- #13736 Edith Updike & Benjamin Santiago
- #22076 Nicholas Santiago
- Nancy Updike & Dan Ephron
- Shira and Yoav Gur-Arieh
- #17376 Dina Kaufman
- Ariel Kaufman & Michael Lucente
- Jocelyn, Mae, and Amelia (“Millie”) Lucente
- Rachael Kaufman
#7582 Stu & Karen Updike
- #11724 Kimball Updike
- Kaia Updike
- Erika Updike
Frances (Frankie) Updike & Scott Simonds
CDA President, #19231 Kari McKinley & Board Chair, #22898 Whitney Phelps