Experience a Camp Dudley / Kiniya Summer!
For over 130 years Camp Dudley & Kiniya have provided boys and girls (ages 10 to 15) with the opportunity to develop as individuals through a balanced program of arts, athletics, outdoor exploration, and spirituality. With a boys campus located in the heart of New York’s majestic Adirondack Mountains and a girls campus on the peaceful shores of Lake Champlain in Vermont, campers are encouraged to develop moral, personal, physical, and leadership skills while thriving in an atmosphere of fun and fellowship.
Meet the 2025 Camp Dudley Division Heads!
We are excited to introduce the Division Heads for the upcoming summer at Camp Dudley!
Meet the 2025 Camp Kiniya Division Heads!
We are excited to introduce the Division Heads for the upcoming summer at Camp Kiniya!
Chapel Talk Spotlight – Eddie Elliott
I’m still not sure I fully believe I’m going home soon. For the past fifty-some days, it has been my distinct privilege to work, probably, the best job