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The Dudley Dictionary

Camp Number: Every camper that comes through the gates receives their own unique number when they get accepted to Dudley and Kiniya. Never forget that number, as people will ask you “What’s Your Number?” everywhere you go. We are over 24,000 at this point!

Chapel Talk: Every morning just before breakfast, except Sunday, a Leader or Staff member addresses the entire camp community and give a brief talk on a topic important to them.

The Dudley Cheer: “D-U-D-L-E-Y / Whitewashed cookies, chicken pie / Pink music, pickeral fry / Westport, Westport my oh my / All ye campers stand in line / take your hats off just like mine / Bevo, bivo, boom get a rat trap bigger than a cat trap, bevo, bivo, BOOM!”

The Dudley Doings: The camp newspaper, which has been published weekly for over 110 summers.

The Dudley Dome: The term used to describe the night sky above Main Campus on a clear Adirondack night.

The Dudley Hymn: “Mid mountains and lakes, I see its face so clear, it stands as a shrine, to those who hold it dear. Boys through the years, have given to its name, Dudley will live in the hearts of men.”

Extravaganza: Elaborate events created by Leaders, usually done by division.

The Horn: Is blown throughout the day to indicate the start and end of just about everything at Camp.

Inspection: Campus wide daily cleaning of cabin and campus directly after breakfast.

The Last Whistle: The annual yearbook given to each camper around the Holidays to commemorate the summer.

Laundry Lax: Pick-up lacrosse games on main campus played with laundry baskets and a tennis ball.

Saturday Night Show: A dramatic and musical performance by campers, Leaders, and staff.

Sunday Night Hymn Sing: A revered tradition of singing as an entire camp in Witherbee Hall.

‘Tute: Short for the institute or bathroom. Each division has it’s own ‘Tute .

Wednesday Night Show: Talent show with funny skits, which always include an episode of Leaders Serial production and the Slideshow.

YOHA: This means you are happy and someone did something you like.

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