Liz Kirkpatrick, #26245
Greenwich, CT
Camp Dudley and Kiniya have held a special place in the heart of the Kirkpatrick family for several decades. Liz’s husband, #11945 Rob, attended Camp along with his brother, #11686 Steve, in the 1970s. Their two sons, #22945 Chase and #23545 Liam, are former campers and Chase continued into the ranks of the Dudley Leadership Program. Serving the other fellow continues to be an essential part of the fabric of the Kirkpatrick family through the generations. Liz’s introduction to Dudley was the 2007 reunion weekend with Rob when the boys were too young to attend camp. A subsequent one-on-one lengthy conversation with the indomitable Willy Schmidt convinced her of the uniqueness of the lakeside woods to permit youth to play boundlessly and grow spiritually resilient.
Liz is a native of New England and has spent her career giving back to her community and supporting her family after several years in the financial planning industry. Her time has included many hours of classroom volunteering, coaching soccer on the sports fields, and operating quietly behind the scenes doing the work that seamlessly supports continuity of opportunities for all. She counts her years as a Stephen Minister among her most authentic and relevant gifts of service as well as mission trips with World Vision.
Liz and her husband raise their family in Greenwich, Connecticut, and split their time between there and Vermont. In addition to their two boys, they have opened their home for years to a Turkish daughter and a Ghanaian son who are now young adults thriving in the United States.
The lakes and mountains call Liz frequently. You can find her in the Adirondack or Green Mountains searching for adventure often described as “Type II fun,” requiring effort, possibly uncomfortable, but exceptionally rewarding and fulfilling.