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#24514 Caroline Foster

Burlington, VT


Caroline’s grandfather (H. Torrey Foster #2454), father (Torrey Foster #7114), brothers (Torrey  – #11168, Chris – #12004 & Stuart – #13000) and numerous cousins were the first to introduce Caroline to camp with stories of hymn sing, ‘lobes, Stacey Brook Country Club, Dead Bug and more.  As the only girl, Caroline quickly memorized the Dudley cheer, helped her family host many Open Houses in Shaker Heights, Ohio during the Willie era and pined for the chance to attend a girl’s camp like Dudley. 

When it was time for her own kids to have their transformative summers on Lake Champlain, Caroline didn’t hesitate to add her son, Ragon (#20725) and daughter, Gretchen (#21412) to the long list of “Foster” campers.    Inspired by Ragon’s fantastic experience on the inaugural Dudley NOLS trip, Caroline completed her own NOLS course in 2016, sea kayaking in Mexico.   “Dudley and Kiniya not only motivate our family to continue living the motto beyond the shores of Champlain, but they embody an ever-present energy and inspiration in our everyday lives.”

Caroline recently relocated to Vermont after completing a long tenure with Fidelity Investments in Boston, MA. Caroline is honored and thrilled to serve on the Board of Trustees and really enjoys helping the camps continue to thrive and evolve.

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