Everybody who has ever been at Senior Beach or Swim Point remembers that shrill Whistle through a megaphone. Then those Famous age-old words. Can you hear it? “TWEET! BUDDY CHECK!” Each camper reaches for their buddy’s hand and holds it high in the air while we count off. The Buddy System is one of the best parts of Camp. Yes, it is an essential part of our safety systems, but it also means we always look out for our buddies. As a tribute to this long-standing tradition, we ask you to pause to check in on a friend in the Camp community. Cabinmates, camp alums, parents, grandparents, or friends all deserve a buddy check. Rekindle that camp spirit of caring.
Dust off those Last Whistles and Spirits and connect with a friend to support Camp! Also, ask if they’ve received the May Camp Magazine, The Other Fellow First. If not, tell them to reconnect with us to get our alum magazine and more!
Make a gift to support scholarships with your buddy now! We’ve got an exciting opportunity to fund 200 scholarships for kids this summer at our camps. We’re looking to gather 200 gifts of any size to achieve our goal. Anonymous donors have offered $?0,000 of matching funds to inspire your participation. Raising $100,000 in 36 Hours is the goal.
With your help and a buddy, we know you can make this happen!