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Abigail Mero is Putting The Other Fellow First

I started working at Dudley in the summer of 2015 when I was 14 years old. My brother, #23188 Thomas Mero, worked in the kitchen, so I followed. In my first two years, I worked in Front of House (taking care of staff room, cleaning dining hall, prepping, and doing food refills during meals). I think I got moved into the bakery because I spent so much of my time helping when I finished with my FOH duties. It was a massive increase in responsibility for a 16-year-old to be on, with the 2-3 people in charge of all the desserts, with minimal baking experience myself.

Camp will always have a special place in my heart, and the unique fellowship has been a big part of my return each summer. Despite the early and long hours, surprise run-ins with skunks, and unbearable summer heat, I wouldn’t change my experience for the world.

Donut days started at 2:30 am, giving me ample time to fry 1000 donuts, sugar coat, and plate them all before 8 am. However, hearing how excited people are for all the desserts like donuts, cinnamon buns, and Parents Day chocolate chip cookies makes it all worth it. Seeing hours of hard work put into these desserts and having them be devoured in minutes gives me the feeling that I could be providing just a small part of the Camp Dudley experience that everybody loves.

Living the motto beyond Camp Dudley

Abigail is taking that Other Fellow First mentality to the University of Connecticut through her volunteer efforts. “The program is called HuskyTHON — a year-long, student-led movement dedicated to raising funds for Connecticut Children’s, our local children’s hospital. Connecticut Children’s is a freestanding hospital, meaning they rely on donations to provide children and families with the care they need. HuskyTHON is just one piece of the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

I have raised over $1300 in my fundraising efforts, but I will keep fundraising until the 18-hour overnight dance marathon on April 2nd and 3rd.”

You can support here!






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