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Kiniya JL Gives Back

Kiniya JLs and ALs are in good touch sharing about their experiences at home. We are so proud of the way they continue to live out our motto during difficult times. Today we are sharing a brief story of #25013 Florence Fernandez, a 2020 Kiniya Junior Leader. Florence lives in London and, along with her end of year exam preparations and online Arabic classes, she has registered as a telephone buddy for the Dundee Charity and volunteers at the local food bank.

Florence writes, “[Dundee Charity] has put me in touch with more vulnerable and isolated people, particularly those in old folks homes who have been banned from seeing visitors. It is mutually beneficial for both myself and my new telephone friend – talking to a new person about these difficult circumstances is both refreshing and comforting. If you’re ever feeling lonely or need a change from the people you spend the entirety of your day with, I would highly recommend a telephone buddy. My buddy is an elderly lady called Valentina and I do hope she isn’t tired of me praising my summer camp and telling her to send her grandchildren there.”

Giving back doesn’t stop there for Florence. She has also began supporting a local food bank, “I started some work at the Hammersmith food bank, which basically involves moving boxes around a large warehouse whilst staying far away from the other volunteers. It’s been interesting because we have to assort the food produce by religion (ie. Kosher, Halal, everything else). That’s just one more small activity I’ve done locally since last week, and it definitely gave me an upper body workout!”

We are so proud of you, Florence, and we know you have inspired others to step up and make a difference in the lives of others. We also hope that Valentina is not tired of hearing about Camp!!

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